
Saturday, April 22, 2006

Memories of childhood excite such profound nostalgia. Ahh! It's so brilliant and so sublime. While it must be remembered and called for assistance that memory idealises. Hence any remembrance is devoid of all the irritabilities and quirks that at times plague present moments.
So why is childhood especially striking? I guess that's the time when we were involved in a true awe and wonder of things around us. So there was a naive enquiry of phenomena which for the most part began to decline gradually. I guess we intuitively recognise this fact, and hence memories deliver a kind of our longing to get transported back to that state of perception.

Beginning to understand the statement that basically says: Geniuses are child-like. Old-age brings childishness.


At 10:14 AM , Blogger wicker said...

while my wholly pragmatic side would want to say that it is a phase, the more i think about it, the more i realise that it is a sure process of mental process evolving. So i would consider any suggestion of being stoic in such situations as a good advice.

I fully understand what you are saying. Hell! I keep going through it every now and again. I challenge anyone who has not.


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