
Wednesday, April 02, 2008

Brain chatter : left, right et al

Ok. it's been a while (no reference to Staind).

I find that i blog only when i'm high. And from a recent outstanding video i watched (http://www.ted.com/index.php/talks/view/id/229) i found out which part of the brain is responsible for my high-ness. You'll get the idea.

Right brain: Pink floyd, mushrooms, ocean breeze, vedic chants, art, eureka, tree-huggers, share my food..etc.
Left brain: Career, arguments, proofs, 100/100 in tests, scud missiles, i'm great, you suck, i need cash, i want food.. etc.

EACH one of us exhibit the above to varying degrees. And what's amazing is we have the power to choose what we project externally. It struck me that most of the times it's not hypocrisy, but just different brain centers being activated due to changing situations.

While the above thoughts had been vaguely floating around all the time in my mind, the video truly sealed it for me.


At 10:54 PM , Blogger Swathi said...

@video. sooo.. Humbling!

watching it over and over.

No words. Really.

At 3:55 AM , Blogger Blunt said...

cant watch the video but we need to talk sometime soon man. It's been horrendously long and I cant seem to find quite a lot of answers. No access to the internet and other stuff. Do tell me about your whereabouts. Catch ya soon

At 4:38 AM , Blogger "Terran Intelligence" by timetin said...

hoi man! just checked for heck's sake and yes there you've been here lately !
Nice video hmmm... It's all the 'common soul' we feed out of and yet the fight goes on.

The ones who hath the reins must be greedy.

Our wired brains yup an influx of high bandwidth information. Sometimes it seems to choke me !

And yeah, one world is what's to be effected, a worldwide, answerable government and anarchy as much as safely permissible with certain otherwise unintrusive police to keep check on homicidal matters. An ideal state of Anarchy's so perfect that nobody can get the deal correctly without a LOT of thought!

but yeah a meltdown of borders is required.


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